Hello world!

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Welcome Home- You waited all those months, changed all those diapers, read books, talked to other parents, grandparents and neighbors. You’ve been thinking about your parenting philosophy, learning nursery songs and sign language, studying nutrition and healthy sleeping habits.

You understand that early childhood is the vital time when we lay the behavioral and emotional foundation, practice brain building, and nurture into fruition these amazing human beings that have been entrusted to our care.

Regardless of our intent, knowledge and planning there will be those times during parenting when we struggling to find balance. 

Welcome! This site is designed to give you both immediate practical help, and the information to support your own development as a parent. Please be patient. Like a young child, this site will grow to cover a variety of parenting topics- and random tangential journeys.  There will be bumps and challenges, with patience we will get through these together.