Welcome Home

Welcome Home- You waited all those months, changed all those diapers, read books, talked to parents , grandparents and neighbors. You’ve been thinking, about your parenting philosophy, learning nursery songs and sign language, studying nutrition and healthy sleeping habits.

It is a thrilling, wonderful, stressful world.  You may have done everything right.   But today.., today was tough! Really tough, and you’re worried. Are you the parent you swore you would not be.

Are you are the parent you swore you would not be, reacting without thinking, shouting, or just crossing your fingers and praying for the day this child becomes the kind reasonable human being you know they are. Then you can return to being the person, parent you wanted to be?

Early childhood is the vital time when we lay the behavioral and emotional foundation,  and nurture into fruition the amazing human beings that have been entrusted to our care. (Worried about messing up? jump to Parenting Redos and Time Outs)

On this site I will explore strategies for helping our children become the person we know they are- kind, empathetic, and able to assert their desires and rights in ways that will be heard-even by other young children. Come on in, lets make some fun today!